How Property Management Principals Can Master Social Media

If you’re reading this, and you’re a property management principal, you’re probably juggling a million things at once, from managing your team to keeping your clients happy. And now, on top of everything, you’ve gotta conquer social media too? It might feel like a tall order, but trust me, it’s totally doable—and totally worth it. 

Let’s talk about the unique challenges and opportunities you face with social media marketing, and explore some content ideas that will help you connect with landlords, tenants, and potential clients.

The Unique Challenges for Property Management Principals

As a property management principal, you have a lot on your plate. Social media marketing might seem like just another task, but it’s a critical one. Here are some challenges you might face:

  • Time management: Finding the time to create and manage social media content amidst all your other responsibilities can be tough.
  • Content consistency: Keeping a consistent posting schedule is important for engagement but can be hard to maintain.
  • Engagement: Engaging with followers and responding to comments and messages takes effort but is essential for building relationships.
  • Authenticity: Striking the right balance between professional and personal content to show authenticity without compromising your agency’s image.

However, these challenges also present unique opportunities. Social media allows you to showcase your expertise, build trust with your audience, and ultimately grow your rent roll.

Content Ideas to Connect with Your Audience

So, what kind of content should you be posting? Here are some ideas especially made for agency principals that resonate with landlords, tenants, and potential clients:

Education Posts: These posts give your audience some information about various topics that are related to your brand or niche. To further classify these posts, we usually do four different types of education posts:

a. Blog shares/teasers: In these posts, we invite readers to read the full blog in a business’ website, or even post some reels and any teasers to entice them to know more about a certain topic or idea.

b. Quick tip: We present some bits and pieces of advice or tips to readers out of the published blog/s for the month, without necessarily inviting them to read the blog itself.

c. Carousel posts: This is similar to our quick tip posts. Ideas from the blog are presented in a carousel post wherein readers need to swipe through the photos to get information (this is most especially for you Instagram users!).

Advantage Posts: These posts showcase the advantages of working with you and availing your service as a property manager. You can share here how you do things in your business, behind the scenes, and even the connections you have with relevant companies and agencies that will help you strengthen your business profile.

Humble Brag: As the name implies, in this type of post, you will highlight the positive reviews and comments that your clients had left for your business. You can pull a certain quote from them to affirm the quality of your service and to give the impression to the readers that you are a trusted and expert property manager.

Fun Posts: These are lighthearted posts that aim to introduce yourself, as a person behind the business or brand, and create an engaging atmosphere for readers through comments, reactions, or other forms of social media engagement.

Community Posts: This is somewhat similar to fun posts in that they invite engagement from your audiences or followers mostly within the community, either to strengthen the reach of your business or to invite your audience to answer various questions which may or may not be related to your business.

Overcoming the Challenges

To tackle the time management issue, consider using a social media calendar. Consistent creation of content is also easier with tools like Canva and Planable, where you can design and schedule posts in advance. And don’t forget to use analytics (or simply, document your procedures) to track your engagement and adjust your strategy accordingly. Tools like these can help you manage your time more effectively and ensure that your social media presence remains strong.


Remember this magic word – authenticity. As Jasmine Star puts it, “Solid social media interactions showcase who you are, not just what you do.

So, let your personality shine through. Share your insights, experiences, and even the occasional mishap. Your followers will appreciate your honesty and be more likely to engage with your content.

Social media is a powerful tool for agency principals. By understanding the challenges and seizing the opportunities, you can create compelling content that resonates with your audience and helps grow your rent roll. So, get out there and start posting!

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John Olandag

John Olandag